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Thank you ESUHSD Board Members!

ESTA would like to send its heart felt gratitude to all Board Members of the East Side Union High School District, especially Board Members Pattie Cortese and Manuel Herrera for their relentless pursuit to find a way to reject the Superintendent’s push for layoffs.

This has been a trying time for all of East Side given the ongoing assault on staff by the Superintendent. Board Members Pattie Cortese and Manuel Herrera led the way in keeping conversations ongoing between all parties, which ultimately led to a deeper understanding of the district budget, which has been used as a weapon by the current Superintendent. The Board’s courage to stand up and vote for prudence in the face of uncertainty has not gone unnoticed. The Board has proven that they are not only valued leaders of the East Side family, they are representing the values that drive East Side in our ongoing mission to look after the well-being of our students, who, after all, are the reason why we are all here.

Thank you Board Members!!!

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